Coffee Break


UFO: Blackstorm shield


You pilot an alien ship with the ability to absorb enemy bullets and turn them into energy, which you then use for shooting and powering several buildings at your disposal.

Research alien technology to build 12 different facilities and protect the city.

SPACE: shoot
UP: take energy from a building
DOWN: give energy to a building


  • Players choose how to position their buildings, they get to try many setups and find the one that works best for them.

  • When a player loses he is sent back in time 1 day with more resources, meaning the game gets easier if players struggle.

  • Achievements for several hard to accomplish objectives to increase replayability.

  • Epic final boss battle.

  • It takes about two hours to complete the game for an experienced player. It may take many more to unlock achievements.

  • Semi-random wave generation increases replayability.

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